Darth Handy – Homemade camera

Craft & Design
Darth Handy – Homemade camera

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MAKE Flickr photo pool member Mister bend made an incredible custom camera…

“I find myself humming the Imperial March under my breath an awful lot when holding this thing…

These are the parts that make up Darth Handy. Clockwise from top left we have…

75mm Nikkor-SW in a fotoman helical mount, sitting on a custom made lens cone that was machined from a solid rod of acetal plastic or delrin. The lensboard is standard Sinar, bored out as wide as possible without weakening it too much.

Da Yi 6×12 rollback. Built like a tank, keeps the film flat, cheap and no-nonsense.

Late model Sinar 4×5 format frame, with a custom-made alloy tripod foot and cold shoe for mounting the viewfinder.

Late model Sinar 4×5 groundglass back, stock standard.

Middle: Leica Wideangle zoom finder, I use it at 21mm with the 75 but zoom it in when working with 6×9 or 6×7. “Link.


  • Dorkasaurus – Link.
  • Camera hacks, mods & projects @ MAKE – Link.

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