We love the DIY Hologram Kit that’s available in the Maker Shed. It takes the normally complicated task of holography and simplifies it into something slightly more complex than taking a Polaroid picture. The secret lies in the unique, self developing film that Litiholo (maker of the DIY Hologram Kit) created. The film plates require no chemicals or developing processes, just illuminate your object, expose the film, and the hologram will “magically” appear.
Litiholo happens to have another secret, their holographic film is sensitive to wavelengths other than red. In fact, it’s sensitive to all visible wavelengths of light. This means that full color holograms can be made using red, green, and blue lasers! Currently, the only thing that’s holding Litiholo back from making color hologram kits is securing lasers with quality optics and output that is stable enough for holography. It sounds like they’ve found the modules, now they just need the funding to place the order. To make full color holograms a reality, they’ve set up a KickStarter campaign to to get things going. Supporters get reduced priced kits and other rewards to make it worth your while. Hurry, the campaign ends July 26th!