Don't Glue Anything Without This Handy Reference Chart | Make: Don't Glue Anything Without This Handy Reference Chart | Make:

Don’t Glue Anything Without This Handy Reference Chart

Craft & Design Workshop
Don’t Glue Anything Without This Handy Reference Chart

For years I wondered why all my beautiful small-scale models kept falling apart. I underestimated the most important factor: adhesive. You can glue almost everything with super glue — but some materials just won’t stay together. Is it possible to glue rubber to glass? Will plastic stick to wood? Once you mix several different materials, it can get really confusing. For those moments it’s convenient to have a handy table that gives a quick overview.

Click for larger version. Feature photo by Hep Svadja. Chart design by James Burke.

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Rebecca Husemann

Rebecca Husemann is a design student writing her bachelor’s thesis while working at the German version of Make: magazine.

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