Doug Repetto’s Walking Tables workshop at MoMA, this Friday!

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Doug Repetto’s Walking Tables workshop at MoMA, this Friday!

This sounds like so much fun, I’m tempted to drive up to NYC for the day to attend. As part of MoMA’a amazing Bauhaus exhibitions, events, and workshops, Douglas Repetto (Dorkbot founder, artist, and teacher at Columbia) will be doing a workshop, called “Walking Tables and Wrestling Foals: A Hands-on Workshop and Musical Performance.” Here’s the description from MoMA:

In conjunction with the exhibition Bauhaus 1919-1933: Workshops for Modernity (November 8, 2009-January 25, 2010), Bauhaus Lab is a new interactive space that reimagines the historic Bauhaus classrooms in which students and teachers of many forms of art experimented with innovative pedagogical approaches. Led by artists, educators, and art historians, an ongoing series of hands-on art-making workshops offers participants of all ages the opportunity to engage in techniques and processes integral to the Bauhaus, such as drawing, collage, graphic design, color theory, and mechanical construction.

Join Machine Project for a day of woodworking, mechanical mayhem, and cute baby horses. Participants collaborate with artist Douglas Repetto in manufacturing a herd of “foals”–simple walking tables–small tables that actually “walk” across the floor–handmade from scrap wood and basic mechanical parts. The foal-building workshop is a humorous take on issues central to the Bauhaus movement, including the relationships between form and function and between craft and mass production. At the end of the afternoon the foals are let loose in MoMA’s Education and Research Building. Musicians from the experimental chamber ensemble WetInk provide musical accompaniment with improvisations informed by the movements and intersections of the foals. Poet Joshua Beckman reads traditional ceremonial foal poems of his own devising. Foal pandemonium or peaceful frolic? There’s only one way to find out! Workshop participants and audience members may adopt a foal. Take-home foal-building plans are available.

The workshop is this Friday, Dec 4th, from 2:00-6:00 p.m. The performance is 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Walking Tables and Wrestling Foals: A Hands-on Workshop and Musical Performance

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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