Drum Machine T-Shirt Brings Chest-Thumping to the Next Level

Computers & Mobile Craft & Design Music Technology
Drum Machine T-Shirt Brings Chest-Thumping to the Next Level

Not only is the Electronic Drum Machine T-Shirt a playable piece of clothing, but it has 63 different sounds that can be mixed, matched, and looped into the complex beat of your choosing. It comes with a mini amplifier that clips onto your pants and even goes up to 11.

If you’re looking to get your chest poked at parties and then dance in celebration, this might just be the shirt for you. [via ThinkGeek]


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In addition to being an online editor for MAKE Magazine, Michael Colombo works in fabrication, electronics, sound design, music production and performance (Yes. All that.) In the past he has also been a childrens' educator and entertainer, and holds a Masters degree from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.

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