Easy House Slippers

Craft & Design Yarncraft

CRAFT: Cozy Up to Yarn

Lion Brand Yarn

Easy House Slippers
Do as the Norwegians do and make these super-simple slippers.
By Liecel Tverli Scully

There’s a saying where I am from: “Don’t just sit there with your hands in your lap — knit something!” I grew up in the far north of Norway, above the Arctic Circle in Saltdal, a small town on the edge of a fjord. Knitting was the perfect way to pass the time during the dark, cold winters. At school, knitting class was a requirement; when I was in the 5th grade, we had to make a pair of socks using five needles. It was a complicated project and I remember having a really hard time with it. But my poor friend Roger was so frustrated he threw his half-done sock into the fireplace at home, needles and all. That’s right — at my elementary school the boys had to learn to knit as well!
This is a pattern that is really popular in my valley right now. It’s an easy project that makes a fun, cozy slipper. If you know basic knitting, you’ll knit these in no time.
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