Esmé Valk’s Knitted Televisions

Craft & Design Yarncraft


Way back in the year 2000, artist Esmé Valk created an incredible series of knitted televisions called Are You Lonesome Tonight? The works feature images from late night television, including an impressive portrait of Oprah Winfrey.

Valk’s work explores the social relations that we have, not only with each other, but with the objects that we interact with as well, like the moving images of a television.

In my work I study the social relationship between bodies who are in constant movement in response to each other. This movement concerns the grouping and bouncing behaviour of bodies; be they humans, objects, collected experiences or fragments of knowledge. Together they create multiple combinations and form an arena for observation and exploration.

Knitting a television is a fascinating way to reflect on our relationship with objects and moving images, I just wonder if this was knitted while watching TV!

[via Knithacker]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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