Extrapolation Factory Imagines the Future of the Dollar Store

Craft & Design
Extrapolation Factory Imagines the Future of the Dollar Store


The Extrapolation Factory is an exhibit and workshop created by Chris Woebken & Elliott P. Montgomery. It explores the what a dollar store might look like in the future, including outlandish products like the “Terabit Cortical Adapter” pictured above.

The Extrapolation Factory is an imagination-based assembly line for developing snapshots of future scenarios, embodied as artifacts for exhibition and sale in a Brooklyn 99¢ store.

In this workshop, participants cast present-day news, statistics, and developments into future products that will be exhibited at a ‘time-warp opening’ of the 99cent Futures store. The speculative methodology is intended to offer creatives, non-profits, students, and companies a tool for envisioning and presenting more imaginative visions for futures.

See Chris’s Flickr set for pics of the event and the fake products.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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