Natasha Dzurny turned out this really cool project for Element 14. In short, she makes a birthday cake shaped display using flexible LED matrixes.
Inspired by Lizzo’s birthday anthem, Natasha decided to make a whole party in the shape of a cake. She started with an Arduino Nano 33it and two LED matrixes and ended up with what looks like an impressive tiered cake that is also a full LED display.
I think this is totally awesome. The fondant that she ads at the end works as a perfect diffuser for the LEDs and could really make this pass as a normal cake until you kick on those LEDs.
I know some of you might be thinking, “well, you can’t eat it”. Listen, making a tasty cake is easy. You could have an extra cake just for eating. This however, will wow the entire room of people and really make a solid memory, AND, it actually is edible once you pull the display off! Great job Natasha. While this video was for Element 14, Natasha has her own youtube channel as well, you should check that out.