The drive to make your yard a Halloween spectacular can come from any number of influences. In this case, the inspiration came from a massive septic tank, painted as a jack-o-lantern many years ago.
Instructables user Haunted Spider, remembered this giant decoration fondly for years and has now recreated the splendor of their memory for you to enjoy.
To create this giant Jack-o-lantern, they started by gluing together rings of foam. That in itself is quite a task as some glues and paints dissolve foam.
After quite an amount of effort in gluing and building this hollow structure, it was time to start carving, shaping, smoothing, filling, hard coating with glue, and then finally painting.
The end result is simply stunning, and will hopefully inspire some kids to tackle some kind of massive Halloween project in the future! To see the entire build process and learn some tips and tricks, be sure to check out the full instructable.
Not only did they build this incredible yard ornament, and whole yard of ornaments, they also raised money for kids with the help of St. Judes!
We are working with St Judes again this year with a group of haunters across the country to raise money for kids to get better and be able to come out and enjoy the displays in person. We have a goal of $100,000 in just 40 days but I think we are going to make it. If you scan the QR code in the photo, it should take you to the fundraiser if you want to see the progress on our goal.