Looking at the delicate discs that make up this pendant, I’ll bet you’d never guess they were made from humble bubble wrap!
Potter Craft shares a PDF project excerpt today from Jewelry Upcycled: Techniques and Projects for Reusing Metal, Plastic, Glass, Fiber, and Found Objects. Click the link below to download your copy. You’ll learn how to transform bubble wrap into this pearly material, and then how to assemble the necklace.
Download the Project PDF Right click to save the PDF to your desktop. Directions on downloading PDFs. |
Jewelry Upcycled asks the question: “Before you recycle that soda bottle, scrap that old T-shirt, or toss that broken china plate, ask yourself: ‘Could I use this to make something fabulous?” It’s a mother-daughter effort from designer Sherri Haab and her daughter Michelle Haab, with 20 projects using materials that would otherwise be recycled or thrown away.