Got an iPod or laptop that needs a portable sound system to go with it? One of CRAFT Volume 07‘s awesome offerings is Syuzi Pakhchyan’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Speakers project. Using this clearly photographed and laid out step-by-step, you can make your own pair of low-fi travel speakers. Here’s an image of what you’ll need:
The coolest part is that since they’re driven by a simple power amplifier circuit and a tilt switch, you turn them on and off by tilting them. When both little white speakers are visible, they’re on, and when only one is visible, they’re off! As the intro says, “Whether you’re in a hostel in Bangkok or backpacking in Goa, you can rock out to your favorite tunes with the portable Rock ‘n’ Roll Speakers.”
Here’s a peek at the project in our Digital Edition. You can still pick up this back issue in the Maker Shed.
If the thought of getting into “smart crafting,” or incorporating electronics and smart materials into your crafts is exciting but perhaps a little intimidating, be sure to check out Syuzi’s book Fashioning Technology:
This DIY Intro to Smart Crafting is an invaluable resource that walks you through the materials and tools you can use, gives technical primers on everything from LEDs to soldering to troubleshooting, and then offers 12 innovative projects of wearables, home goods, and toys you can make. The book is filled with clear, instructive photos for anyone who wants to expand their crafting horizons. There’s really no other book out there like it. You can also check out the Fashioning Technology community site for tutorials, resources, and forum discussions.
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