The 8th annual World Maker Faire in New York is fast approaching. One lesson we have picked up over the last eight years is that our reduced rate, “Early Bird” tickets go fast. You absolutely do not want to miss out on this year. We have got some incredible makers that have applied and we are excited to see them in person. Keep your eyes on the blog, as we will be showing off a little bit of what you can expect to see at Maker Faire New York in the next few weeks.
The Early Bird tickets are a chance to purchase your tickets ahead of time and ensure a cheaper entry fee for New York’s Greatest Show & Tell on Earth. Having these tickets accounted for in advance really helps us plan out the event, so we are willing to let them go for a bit cheaper.
There are several different options to choose from that allow attendees to pick whether they want to show up for just one day or the entire weekend.
You have got to hurry though, the Early Bird sale ends on July 31! Act fast and jump over to our ticketing page and get yours today.