Chi Krneta went unconventional with her wedding dress and the outcome is simply stunning. She worked on this beautiful crochet dress everyday during her bus ride for five months. Once the dress was complete, Krneta sewed a simple dress lining to wear under the crocheted portion.
The whole dress only cost her $30 to create, and that’s including the fabric for the lining [individuals have pointed out that her time is worth something and that is entirely true, so this cost is just in regards to supplies and she clarifies this a bit on her Reddit post: “The dress was practically free because I didn’t spend much money on it (under $30 for all of the materials including fabric for the lining) and I didn’t spend much extra time on it. My commute time couldn’t be used for anything else anyway.”].
She originally posted about her creation on Reddit and news of it spread quickly.
After getting so much attention, Krneta wrote up the pattern for her wedding dress and put it on Ravelry. The dress is made up of a common pineapple stitch and she decided to post it in two parts so people could make the basic dress for everyday wear or add a train and make their own wedding gown.
She named her creation the Chrysanthemum Gown after the flowers at her wedding.
The gown looks very comfortable and is machine washable. It can also be very versatile and Krneta plans on wearing it in the future with different colored linings underneath and the train pinned/tucked up in different ways.
If all of this wasn’t enough, Krneta managed to nab the award for best dress design from TheCrochetAwards.com.
Check out her Flickr album to seem some more amazing photos of the completed wedding dress and in process images. Watch the quick video below to see the dress being put together section by section.