The Lifesize Mousetrap, a crowd favorite and Maker Faire staple for as long as I can remember, is excited to finally have the chance to bring the action to the east coast! As you could imagine, however, moving around that much steel isn’t cheap, so they’re looking for donations to help them achieve the dream of bringing the show to NYC (and hopefully Pittsburgh and Austin as well!).
We’re packin’ our tools and hittin’ the road with the Maker Faire!
We seek financial tour support to take a fun and educational project filled with childhood memories, science, & engineering to the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit and the New York Hall of Science. The Lifesize Mousetrap hopes to land in Pittsburgh and Austin as well! Mark Perez, the man behind the machine, has dreamed of bringing his contraption to NYC for years. We finally have the chance to do just that but we need your help.The Life size Mousetrap weighs in at 50,000 lb… as you can imagine, moving it across the country is a HUGE undertaking. It costs $3 a mile to transport the mousetrap’s semi trailer, and we’ve got 6600 miles to GO!!!
We are excited by our collaboration with the Maker Faire but our current funding does not allow us to make the most out of this rare opportunity.