HOW TO – Build a public broadcast “cart”

Craft & Design Technology
HOW TO – Build a public broadcast “cart”

Ars 4

Victor writes – “Public Broadcast Cart is a shopping cart outfitted with a dynamic microphone, a mixer, an amplifier, six speakers, a miniFM transmitter and a laptop with a wireless card. The audio captured by the microphone on the cart is fed through the mixer to three different broadcast sources.”Link.

Build your own radio cart (Schematic & parts list) – Link.

Other shopping cart projects:

  • Shopping cart chair – Link.
  • Build a CartBike – Link.
  • MAKE AUDIOZINE – The ShopperChopper – Link.
  • Shopping Cart Chair – Turn a shopping cart into a comfortable and stylish wheelchair. MAKE 07.
  • Made on Earth – Reports from the world of backyard technology, including a shopping cart go-kart. MAKE 03Page 16 (log in).

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