It turns out that simply taking a pair of scissors to a stuffed animal is all you have to do in order to outfit your own pooch with an almost disturbingly adorable teddy bear costume, as this courageous Shih Tzu named Munchkin clearly demonstrates.
Luckily, Cindy Roth, Munchkin’s ingenious owner, has shared her instructions for making a super easy teddy bear costume for you own little furry friend.
Measure your dog in the front from feet to top of head (Munchkin is 14″). Get a teddy bear in similar color to your dog in their size. Cut the face off, cut the bottom of the feet off, cut open the back. Take all the stuffing out except for the arms. Bear only goes on front part of their body/legs and back half is exposed. Put a string or velcro through the back behind the neck to tie/close. The bear’s arms hung down, so I sewed them up a bit higher so they stuck out to sides more. Took me maybe 15 minutes to make!
Teddy bears better watch out!
[via Laughing Squid]