How-To: Red Knitted Hats for Preemies

Craft & Design Yarncraft


Want to do some good while getting crafty? Heidi from Hands Occupied has created an adorable pattern for making red knitted hats for preemies and newborns and babies in honor of the American Heart Association’s Little Hats, Big Hearts drive.


Volunteers for the American Heart Association are celebrating American Heart Month by knitting red hats for all babies born in February at participating hospitals. We’re raising awareness of heart disease, the number one killer of Americans, and congenital heart defects, the most common type of birth defect in the country. [Via the AHA website – Chicago]

The American Heart Association’s Little Hats, Big Hearts drive is working to raise awareness while keeping Chicago’s new babies warm and toasty!


The deadline for hats to be received by the AHA is January 15, 2015. (Luckily, baby hats are one of the quickest knitting/crochet projects around!)

Heidi’s charming little heart-patterned hats bring a smile to my face, and they’re sure to brighten the days of many new parents in the Chicagoland area.

For more information on participating hospitals/where to send your donations, head on over to the American Heart Association’s site. There, you can also find links to even more knitting and crochet patterns for all of your Little Hats, Big Hearts crafting needs!

Little Hats, Big Hearts has expanded beyond Chicago! Mitten State makers can click here for donation information for the Grand Rapids, MI drive. (The deadline for this one is slightly later: January 25, 2015.)

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Haley Pierson-Cox from Red-Handled Scissors is a maker of crafts, a lover of cats, an avid swearing enthusiast, a cross-stitch book author, and a general purveyor of quirk. She's also sometimes an irritable cartoon named Tiny Cranky Haley.

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