Interactive Sculpture Dispenses Paint According to the Mood of Local Social Media

Computers & Mobile Craft & Design
Interactive Sculpture Dispenses Paint According to the Mood of Local Social Media




Be careful what you tweet, because your feelings could be immortalized in a piece of public art. At least that’s what happened in Oslo when Syver Lauritzsen and Eirik Haugen Murvold publicly displayed a sculpture called MONOLITT.

MONOLITT is an interactive installation that quite literally paints the mood of the city, using social media feeds as an input. The installation takes electronic signals and lets them manifest themselves in the physical world. Using sentiment analytics, the installation links tweets to corresponding colored paints in realtime, feeding them out through the top of the sculpture, letting them flow into a procedurally generated three-dimensional painting.


I don’t know how they decided to assign color values to different emotions, and different emotions to words, but I’d love to see this project done over a longer period of time. I think it would be fascinating to have a visual representation of the mood of a place and see how it changes over time!

[via Prothetic Knowledge]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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