Every other week, CRAFT’s awesome interns tell about the projects they’re building in the Craft: Labs, the trouble they’ve gotten into, and what they’ll make next.
By Lindsey North, projects intern
The trend now — and I love it — is recycled accessories: earrings made of bottle caps full of resin, belts made from candy wrappers, purses from pull tabs, and a plethora of other cool things. In CRAFT Volume 02, Kathy Cano Murillo showed how to fashion earrings from recycled tin, and in CRAFT Volume 03, Casey Dougherty showed how to make Fishing Lure Earrings. And then I saw some really cool jewelry at Maker Faire made from funky old utensils, watch gears, and tons of other random things that you’d never think of.
Ever since Maker Faire, I’d been looking for the perfect something to make into a fun pendant or pair of earrings (I’m an earring junkie, a constant collector). While visiting my grandparents recently, I found my inspiration: a silverware set that had once belonged to my great-grandmother, the most beautiful utensils I have ever seen. They were aged to perfection, slightly tarnished, but that only served to enhance the delicate flower pattern that decorated the handles. And so I was inspired to create earrings out of spoon handles.
Of course I wasn’t allowed, nor did I want, to make the earrings out of my great-grandmother’s spoons — they’re a family heirloom. Instead I went to the local thrift store and purchased some mismatched utensils. You can find some very fun and inexpensive flatware at thrift stores. I also found some cool inexpensive silverware at the local Safeway grocery store.
Once you’ve found your pieces of silver, cut the utensils to the desired length. I used a band saw at the Craft: Labs but you can also use a hacksaw. I like to vary the earring length, it just makes them more interesting.
After you cut the flatware, drill a hole near the top with a small drill bit. It’s a good idea to oil the bit as you’re drilling, to save your bit, especially if you’re drilling stainless steel. Use sandpaper to sand down the rough edges of the metal to prevent future cuts and scratches.
Then just put in your jump ring and your earring hook! Now I wear my silverwear all the time.
Your CRAFT intern,