Belinda writes:
Leslie a Canadian married to a Japanese living in Japan. Has just opened an Etsy shop selling fabric, books and trim etc. What I love about Leslie’s shop is that she only stocks what she loves. As a result the fabric she is listing has often never been seen before. She seems to buy sparingly so the fabrics are constantly being updated. Also, special orders are not a problem for her and she is happy to do custom orders on fabrics that have sold out. The shipping is really fast and quite reasonable. I recently receive fabric from her in 3 days from Japan to Australia. It’s nice to see someone selling not what they think we want to buy. But rather what they love, I think this is what sets the good-ness shop apart from the others.
To check out all the Japanese craft goodness, see Leslie’s blog and visit the good-ness Etsy shop here – Link.
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