Jules Manoogian at ReForm School

Craft & Design

If you’re in Los Angeles, stop by ReForm School for the final week of the Jules Manoogian show. I visited the opening a few weeks back and was really taken with Jules’ artwork, which fuses nostalgia with recycling in artful and unexpected ways. Her pieces are mostly constructed with found objects–the pieces I saw used everything from old steel oven doors to pink plastic hair curlers and carpet padding. I’ve posted a Flickr photo set of the show here, and you can also read a Q & A with Jules on the ReForm School blog.
Jules Manoogian
@ ReForm School
4014 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90029
ph: (323)906-8660

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Jenny Ryan

Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.

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