Junior Skyhawk

Craft & Design
Junior Skyhawk

Skyhawk 2
Skyhawk 10
H.R. (Bart) Everett made a 1/3-scale fiberglass replica of the A-4 Skyhawk for his son, he writes – “I constructed this 1/3-scale fiberglass replica of the A-4 Skyhawk, flown at the time by the Blue Angels precision flight demonstration team, in the late 70s while stationed in Montgomery, AL. I had initially intended to build a go-cart for my 4-year-old son, but we could only find three lawn-mower wheels in my shop, so we opted to build an airplane instead. It started off as a rather crude triangle of plywood with a seat up front, but our creative juices got to flowing and we kept thinking of ways to make it better and more realistic. Basically completely out of hand…”Link.

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