I popped over to ImagiKnit, one of my favorite yarn stores in San Francisco, on Wednesday night to see Sabrina Gschwandtner talk about her new book, KnitKnit. Subitled “Profiles + Projects from Knitting’s New Wave,” it’s an amazing gathering of knitwear designers, artists and activists, and includes patterns for everything from a delicate Anna Bell sweater to a huge fiberglas teddy bear. If you’re still looking for a gift for the knitter in your life, this is an awesome find. It’s not often that a gorgeous coffee table book also has patterns!
The audience was of course dressed in amazing knitwear (the green sweater in the top photo is handmade by the wearer, and another woman showed off the sweater coat she’s currently working on–the pattern is one of Anna Bell’s from her blog, I think.) I’ve known Sabrina for a number of years now, and it was great to hear her talk about her background as an artist and filmmaker and see how it informed the choices she made in the book. I also loved hearing about her travels around the world to interview all her subjects–they’re an amazing group of people. And believe it or not, according to Sabrina’s pattern editor at Stewart, Tabori and Chang, the best-written pattern is that fiberglas teddy bear…
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