Alicia Gibb (NYCResistor and Bug Labs) is doing research on the use of the LilyPad Arduino in response to this call for Feminism in HCI (human-computer interaction) out out by Shaowen Bardzell (Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing) and Elizabeth F. Churchill (Yahoo! Research), which will culminate in a special issue of Interacting with Computers . You can help out by filling out her survey if you’ve ever worked with the LilyPad Arduino. DIY toolkits like Arduino are gaining attention in academia, and the LilyPad is particularly interesting in gender/technology research.
- Alicia Gibb’s art history thesis on Arduino (including the LilyPad Arduino embroidery pictured above)
- Pictures from Arduino art show in NYC (curated by Alicia)
- CRAFT Video: LilyPad Arduino 101
- CRAFT Video: LilyPad Arduino Blinking Bike Patch