Make a silver Firefox pendant using some basic jewelry making tools and turn your favorite web browser into a fashion statement in this week’s CRAFT Video. To get the foxy template, check out Tobi Leingruber’s Foxbling on Thingiverse.
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I used rubber cement to affix the template to a piece of 18ga. silver sheet, and used a small saw to cut out the shape on top of a jewelry maker’s bench pin, which is that fork-shaped wooden surface you see in the video. Finish it up with files and a lot of sanding using a flex shaft and slotted mandrel. The same flex shaft can be fitted with any number of tools, like the tiny drill bit I used to drill the pendant’s jumpring hole. I got most of the tools and supplies for this project from Rio Grande, who also buys back my scrap metal.
46% of CRAFT readers use Firefox, way higher than the worldwide usage share. Mozilla is an easy organization to get behind since they’re all about great free and open source software that anyone can improve by developing add-ons like the StumbleUpon toolbar and Add-Art, an extension that replaces web ads with a curated art show.
I’d like to put these necklaces into production (and $upport Mozilla, natch), so if you’re interested in staying informed on the project, email me or leave a comment below.