Maker Faire Tokyo is set for this Sunday and Monday, Nov. 3-4. The fair is in its second year and will be held again at the National Museum of Emerging Science & Innovation. Last year’s event attracted about 10,000 attendees and this year is expected to be even bigger. Here’s a sampling of what’s on tap:
Team Skeletonics makes mechanical suits give the wearer twice the power of mere humans. Due to legal restrictions, their usage is limited, but they will be on display at the fair.
Handie is the latest in the growing field of DIY prosthetics. Electronic signals from muscles in the forearm move the fingers. Prosthetic limbs like this can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but Handie can be made and replicated for a fraction of that.
Meanwhile, the line-up of speakers is particularly good this year:
- Autodesk CEO Carl Bass will be giving a presentation entitled “the appearance of new manufacturing in North America.
- littleBits’ Paul Rothman will be joined by Sakamaki Masahiko and Shigeru Kobayashi for a presentation about open source hardware.
- Fukushima Wheel will conduct “reinvent the wheel, ” an effort to use big data and sensors attached to the bicycles to gather and share information about Fukishima, site of the tidal wave and nuclear disaster in 2011.
- ARTSAT envisions a satellite as a device that “that connects the earth and the universe” and new possibilities in the use of space in artistic expression.
Meanwhile, Ian Lesnet of Dangerous Prototypes will be blogging about the fair for MAKE so stay tuned for his dispatches from Tokyo.