Today’s Maker from our new book Makers – Bathsheba Grossman, Santa Cruz, California. 3D sculptures digitally printed in metal. Instant fabrication equipment printed out the artist’s 2004 sculpture Lazy Eight directly in bronze. To help with the arduous task of generating intricate surfaces on the metal, she’ll write her own computer scripts in Perl. With the advent of affordable 3D printing, she says, “advanced prototyping went from something that was completely in-house at Boeing to something you walk in off the street and order. I can’t tell you how cool it is to have your own small hunk of metal.” Makers: page 28. View photo! See previous Makers of the day here. View sample PDF. Click here to get Makers the book before the holidays!
Bathsheba Grossman, Santa Cruz, California. 3D sculptures digitally printed in metal.
Meet The Makers…Now on the heels of MAKE’s wildly popular inaugural issues, O’Reilly introduces Makers, a beautiful hardbound book celebrating DIY inspiration and the people behind the projects. Makers introduces you to a brigade of citizen engineers making their own cameras, clocks, airplanes, submarines, musical instruments, weapons, medical equipment, energy- saving devices, robots, and houses. They create their own tools to explore the outer atmosphere, the deep sea, and the behavior of tiny flies in their backyard. Sample PDF. Click here to get Makers the book.