Making of… The PanoramaScanCam

Craft & Design
Making of… The PanoramaScanCam

Mac writes –

“I’ve been wanting to build a 360-degree panoramic scanning camera (or PanoramaScanCam, as I call it) for some time. The planets finally aligned (Actually, I was able to obtained a flatbed scanner and software to support it.), so I’ve started the project. Rather than waiting for completion of the project before posting it, I decided to present development as a blog. I hope to post updates every day or so (there are three days of posts so far). The other websites I’ve found are lacking on how to actually build a panoramic scanning camera. I hope that mine will be sufficiently detailed to enable anyone to build one of their own. I’ll send future posts to the Make blog if there is sufficient interest.”Link.

Check it out and contact the author / post here if you’re interested – seems like a neat project.

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