Making Wall Displays for Fantasy Miniatures

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Making Wall Displays for Fantasy Miniatures

Earlier this year, DM Scotty (think: the Martha Stewart of dungeon crafting) posted pictures on Facebook for some diorama-like wall pieces that he’d built for displaying his miniature collection. The basic idea is to take a cheap picture frame, build a box behind it, and then use foam and other crafting materials to create dungeon walls, tiles, stairs, walkways, doors, etc. Once mounted, you can display all of those precious miniatures that you slaved over for untold hours.

I have hundreds of minis I’ve painted over the years and it’s always seemed a shame to keep them hidden away in boxes where no one can see them. I love the idea of creating such displays and designing them around the game genres of the minis you’re displaying (sci-fi, fantasy, horror, etc.).

Scotty said he was going to do a tutorial on creating these displays, but so far, he hasn’t. Make: contributor James Kelly did a video back in August on how to create such wall displays built around the picture frame base and adding 3D printed elements.

In this latest video, on Jim’s newly renamed The Tabletop Engineer (formerly Game Terrain Engineering), he shows you how you can create quick and easy mini mini displays for showing off just one or two miniatures. All you need is a small frame, some cardboard, some foam, and maybe a door, window, altar, or other terrain element. This same technique can be scaled up for any size frame and level of detail inside of the display. It goes without saying that these displays would make a perfect gift for any gaming geek with a mini collection.

BTW: As I was writing this, Jim did a Facebook Live announcement for a game crafter’s magazine that he is launching, called Bexim’s Bazaar. You can download the preview Issue #0 here.

I plan on contributing to this promising little gaming zine, for sure. See Jim’s Patreon page for details on supporting the magazine and for getting involved.

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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