Simon Kirby sends word of a hot new group destined for stardom and driven by solenoids. Ladies & gents, put your hands together for – Cybraphon!
[…] a robotic orchestra in a large display cabinet, inspired by 19th century automata. The unusual feature of Cybraphon is that it is emotional. It’s mood is shaped by how popular it is online, as it obsessively googles for itself, tracks it’s facebook friends, checks it’s myspace page, and updates it’s twitter feed 24 hours a day. If it’s feeling popular (for example if it finds it’s been covered in MAKE), then it will play more upbeat music. However, just like a real band it is addicted to its own celebrity so there will be an inevitable crash in its mood if its fame does not constantly increase.
Give the band an ego boost by checking out the demo track plus plenty of video from the build on the project’s blog.
Robot rock group readies for next gig