Megan Wilson’s Morning Glory Exhibit at Tinlark Gallery in Hollywood through June 30th

Craft & Design
Megan Wilson’s Morning Glory Exhibit at Tinlark Gallery in Hollywood through June 30th

Megan WilsonMegan Wilson

If you are in the LA area, head on over to Tinlark Gallery (Crossroads of the World, 6671 Sunset Blvd., No. 1512, Hollywood, CA 90028, Phone: 323-463-0039) to see the multimedia works of Megan Wilson exhibiting her installation Morning Glory. Inspired by a love of patterns and textiles, Wilson’s work explores the intersections between fine art, design, architecture, and traditional crafts. Hurry! The exhibit will officially end this Saturday, June 30th, but the installation will be up until early next week, if you can make it over the weekend. Link.

Jenny Ryan of Felt Club exclaims, “It’s all felt, fabric, straight pins, multicolored sequins and intricate paper quilling…it looks amazing in person, sparkly and felt-y and super crafty!” You can also see more photos of the Morning Glory exhibit in our CRAFT Flickr Pool here. Link.

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