Moleskine map preserves your street cred

Craft & Design

From the MAKE Flickr pool

B_light’s edge-printed notebook makes for some stealthy tourism –

My Moleskin hack entry hides the fact that you are a tourist and can only be used on a soft cover notebook. When you fold the notebook length-wise (when the spine practically touches the long edge of the back cover), the fore-edge of the pages fan out. Only when the notebook is folded this way, does a subway map clearly appear. This is due to the fact that the map is printed on the edge while the notebook is positioned like this. You can hide the fact that you are consulting a subway map and be spared the embarrassment and scorn from locals.

FYI -this ‘mapskin’ was created as an entry for the My Moleskine 2.0 competition. It would be cool to see this technique used for a convenient table of contents listing on pocket refs and the like.

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