Movable Painting Wall

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Movable Painting Wall

I adore modular design, and this beautiful movable painting wall from AM at Memory Radio is definitely the kind of art display that I can picture in my own home. He has such a great eye for style and color, and I can’t think of a better way to show off his paintings!

This is a small set of hundreds of little paintings I have created. Each painting is painted on a small board. Each board is of reclaimed wood from my childhood home. The paintings have velcro on the back and the wall has the soft side of velcro on it.

If the name AM rings a bell, he’s also the brains behind the brilliant Frankensteintax modern/antique camera mashup. Head on over to his site to learn more about his movable painting wall and check out his photography and art!

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Haley Pierson-Cox from Red-Handled Scissors is a maker of crafts, a lover of cats, an avid swearing enthusiast, a cross-stitch book author, and a general purveyor of quirk. She's also sometimes an irritable cartoon named Tiny Cranky Haley.

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