Nerd merit badges

Craft & Design
Nerd merit badges

Nerd Merit Badges

Over at Global Nerdy, Joey deVilla writes about some cool merit badges for geeks:

Just as Boy Scouts earn merit badges for accomplishments in some area of study, now we geeky types can earn Nerd Merit Badges for nerdy accomplishments. The first in the series is now available: it’s “Open Source Contributor”, pictured below.

(In case you don’t recognize the image on the badge, it’s the “Octocat”, the mascot for the GitHub source code repository service.)

The badges sell for USD$3.99 and I assume that they’re working on the honour system – that is, the assumption that you’ll only order the badges you’ve earned. More badges are on the way…

Open Source Contributor Merit Badge

Nerd Merit Badges

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