Night popper robot kit (learn to solder)

Craft & Design
Night popper robot kit (learn to solder)

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Max (pictured here) is learning how to solder with the night popper robot kit, if you’re looking to teach your little Makers at home soldering and electronics, might be a good one to check out. Keep up the good work Max! – “The Night Popper waits until it gets dark and then it starts its random exploring. While it explores it sets off a brilliant almost firework looking display from it’s 3 white lamps and emits a crackling popping sound from its on board piezo speaker. Features 2 small DC motors, 2 photodarlington transistors, a relay/CDS cell circuit and 4 drive transistors. The special bonus with this robot is that you get 2 snap off PC boards with 21 components that you solder in before building the robot. By doing this, you can gain ample soldering experience before building the Night Popper. Great learning tool and if you already know how to solder, just snap off the boards and build the Night Popper only.”Link.

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