By Olivia DeMirjian
Photos by Susan Sheridan
Over the summer, I went to art class with my mom, who is an artist. Her art teacher showed me a project that really interested me – colorful bracelets made out of paper and glue. She showed me how to cut and roll the paper to create a bead. Each bead was then strung onto clear elastic thread and – voila – a bracelet was born.
When I got home, I decided to take the project one step further and designed my own paper using markers, basic white copy paper, and my imagination. My first bracelet was called “Olivia’s First”, and it was made up of primary colors. After that, I began making more bracelets, including “Tutti Frutti,” “Happy Fever,” and “Party In the USA.” I started wearing the bracelets to school, and a lot of my friends really liked them. From the start, I knew I wanted to donate a portion of the proceeds to charity. I have three charities that I donate to, and this makes me feel good as I am creating the bracelets.
Plain white recycled copy paper
Colorful markers
Mod Podge or a clear glue stick
Small inexpensive paint brush, 1/2″ wide
Several toothpicks
Wax paper
Clear elastic thread
Painter’s tape
Small glass beads in multiple colors
Step 1: Create a design with markers on the white paper. Your design can first be drawn out with a pencil or made up without a pre-planned design.
Step 2: Take a ruler, and with your pencil, make lines that form long triangle strips. Cut the strips. I make my strips about 1/2″ wide at the base and about 1/8″ wide at the tip.
Step 3: Paint the uncolored side of the triangle strip with Modge Podge. Lay the toothpick at the base of your triangle strip (on the sticky side) and roll up your strip. You will be rolling from the base to the tip of the triangle. Roll tightly and carefully, using the toothpick to help wrap up the paper. Make sure to keep the triangle centered as you roll. Pull your bead off the toothpick and set onto wax paper.
Step 4: Roll at least 8-10 beads. Once you have done this, begin epoxying the beads. After the beads have dried from the epoxy (1-3 days), you can begin to string them.
Step 5: Lay your roll of clear elastic down on your work table and tape its case down with painter’s tape (making sure not to tape down the thread itself). This will make it easy to string your beads without also having to deal with your spool of thread. Now take your clear thread and begin stringing one epoxied bead onto the elastic. Follow this with one, two, or three glass beads – however many you desire. Repeat this and measure as you string to make sure you have enough beads on the elastic to fit your wrist. Once you finish stringing, make sure you have at least 3″ on each end of your beads before cutting the string.
Step 6: Knot the elastic and then trim, making sure not to accidentally cut into the knot.
Step 7: Wear and enjoy your one-of-a-kind, completely handmade bracelet.
About the Author:
Olivia DeMirjian is a 12-year-old student that never considered herself creative until she uncovered her own talent by creating these one of a kind, completely handmade, uniquely designed bracelets. She donates a portion of her profits to three different charities.
About the Photographer:
Susan Sheridan has been a freelance photographer for 12 years, focusing on portraits for children and babies. She has also photographed corporate headshots for Universal Studios, Paramount Studios, E! Entertainment, and many other networks and studios. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two daughters. Visit Susan Sheridan Photography to see more of her work.
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