Here’s a rather simple and creative film camera hack from San Francisco-based photographer, Ian Tuttle: He glued a pair of 1/8″ figurines inside of a Diana F+ medium format toy camera to cast a shadow onto the film when the exposure is made. The result is a set of spectator silhouettes gracing every frame. Four Corners Dark has a nice write up on how try it yourself. If you’re worried about ruining your camera, Ian recommends using Elmer’s Glue-All, which has a tight hold but makes the figurines easy to remove. Just don’t forget that the image is upside down after it passes through the lens, so you’ll have to glue the figurines to the top of the camera body interior if you want them to appear on the bottom of the frame. Now I’m on the hunt for a figurine version of someone taking a photograph so that I can try this mod out with my Holga! [via Lomography]
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