MAKE headquarters received a visit yesterday by three gentlemen on an interesting (and very random) mission: following a $10 bill on its journey across the U.S. for a month. Filmmakers John Hardwick and Ben Unwin, along with journalist Steve Boggan, had traveled to the States from the U.K. to make a film about the journey of one particular $10 bill for the month of October. Their journey began in Belle Fourche, South Dakota, the geographic center of the U.S. (counting Hawaii and Alaska). They chose a person to give the bill to and then followed it as it got spent.
Along their journey, in Texas, one person mailed it to someone in California, and the three had to high-tail it out to the West Coast, where the bill eventually got spent at Renga Arts in Sebastopol, which happens to be owned by Joe Szuecs and Sherry Huss (director of Maker Faire), explaining how they ended up at MAKE headquarters. They had no shortage of interesting stories to share from their trip so far, but by and large they were overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers in this country, which is always refreshing to hear. For the course of this month, they’re tweeting from tenbuckben (Unwin) and tendollarguy (Boggan). Looks like MAKE headquarters and MAKE Labs may end up in their flick.
Pictured above is (left to right) Steve Boggan, John Hardwick, Joe Szuecs with the bill, and Ben Unwin outside MAKE headquarters, shot by Gregory Hayes.