Ron Mueck @ The Brooklyn Museum (Giant people sculptures)

Craft & Design
Ron Mueck @ The Brooklyn Museum (Giant people sculptures)

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Over the weekend I checked out Ron Mueck’s sculptures at The Brooklyn Museum, it’s a pretty surreal experience. His work usually consists of huge scupltures of people that seem certain to move and chatter if you can just stare at them long enough, but they don’t. Some are small, some are just body parts. They’re extremely realistic and one of those exhibits you need to see in person. One thing I really liked – and perhaps it’s a trend – the museum has a film and a lot of “making of” so you can see how the works are created – if you’re in the area, or plan to visit, this isn’t one to miss.

Ron Mueck on view at the Brooklyn Museum, November 3, 2006-February 4, 2007 – [via] – Link.


  • Installing Ron Mueck Exhibition (photo set) – Link.
  • Photos from brooklyn_museum – Link.
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