Slinky Sleek Serpent Twins

Craft & Design
Serpent Twins

Serpent Twins

Once upon a time, there were two serpents, Jormungand (Midgard) and Julunggul (Rainbow), who slithered between two worlds, “the old world that needed and revered them and the present which has shunned such monsters as fears metamorphosed into mythical form.” Dark and with the power of fire, Jormungand winds it way through the landscape. Bright and with the light of the earth, Julunggul slithers to meet with her dark twin. Their synchronized dance is a gorgeous sight to behold:

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Lovingly hand-built by makers Jon Sarriugarte and Kyrsten Mate, each 4-foot-wide, 50-foot-long serpent has a huge display of LED lights the length of its body capable of creating rainbows, plasma fields, water drops, fire, and video, made possible by an array of over 15,000 individually addressable LEDs. Add to this a soundtrack of serpent calls designed at Skywalker Sound by Kyrsten, played on the 2000-watt sound system built into each head.

Jon and Krysten with the Serpent Twins

Jon and Krysten have brought amazing projects to each Faire since the first in 2006, including The Boiler Bar and The Golden Mean snail car. Accompanying them is their talented and adorable daughter Zolie. At the 2006 Faire, Jon and Krysten had made custom hoodies that read “Maker” on the back, while Zolie’s read “Made.”

Zolie with Serpent Twins

Come slither with the Serpent Twins at Maker Faire Bay Area this weekend at the San Mateo Fairgrounds.

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I'm a word nerd who loves to geek out on how emerging technology affects the lexicon. I was an editor on the first 40 volumes of MAKE, and I love shining light on the incredible makers in our community. In particular, covering art is my passion — after all, art is the first thing most of us ever made. When not fawning over perfect word choices, I can be found on the nearest mountain, looking for untouched powder fields and ideal alpine lakes.

Contact me at or via @snowgoli.

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