Slipknot Embroidery Sampler

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Slipknot Embroidery Sampler


Every maker has felt so discouraged by a project that they’ve wanted to just give up, but this amazing embroidery sampler by Brittany of Kveldulv Designs featuring the Slipknot “Vol. 3 (the subliminal verses)” special edition cover in all its cross stitched glory is a stellar example of what can be achieved now matter how long the project takes to finish.

It probably shouldn’t have taken me six years. I started this in 2008 around the time of their “All Hope is Gone” album. That album was released after Vol. 3. Designing this project was a process in and of itself, but stitching it was even more difficult. There got to be several times I was so frustrated that I balled it up and put it in the corner and sometimes I had to put it in my little wastebasket.

Luckily, Brittany managed to persevere and produced a phenomenal piece of needlework. I especially love that the subject of her sampler can be seen as a reference to the process of inadvertent creating a slipknot when embroidering!

[via Mr X Stitch]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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