Sturgeon Moon – Recycled puppet show

Craft & Design

Astrobot's Helmet
Nat writes –

I love how the crafting world works. I met Holly Carrigan from Namaste Glass at the TNNA show in early January. Since then over email she’s introduced me to Kelly DelSol who along with her husband Ivan, runs the local community art theather, Centro DelSol in Cottage Grove, OR. The couple’s latest puppet play, called Sturgeon Moon contained elaborate giant puppets and decor all created by found objects. Kelly is very passionate about recycling and believes that any trash, can be turned into art. And I mean amazing art! Just take a look at the transformation from junk to puppets created for the show.

Kelly DelSol writes us this special Craftzine piece which goes behind the scenes of Sturgeon Moon to show us how recycled art can also tell a story. blog: Sturgeon Moon – Recycled Puppet Show – Link.

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