Susan Beal’s Sewing Machine

Craft & Design
Susan Beal’s Sewing Machine

Susanbeal Sewingmachine

Susan Beal of West Coast Crafty gives us the deets on her sewing machine and serger.

Susan says, “I have a three-year-old Viking Huskystar 215, which has been great for all my sewing projects, from making handbags and clothes to light quilting. It came with a 25-year warranty so I can take it in for free tune-ups once a year, which is a huge bonus. I’ve bought some extra feet and accessories for sewing vinyl, but besides that it’s been perfect right out of the box. I learned to sew on a 1960s Singer, which I loved, but it was a little moody when it came to heavier-weight and stretch fabrics–the tension just snarled up and freaked out, and I had to take it to be serviced over and over again. So the Huskystar has been a dream so far, and it has handled every craft project I’ve tried beautifully. I’d love to upgrade to a Bernina someday, but in the meantime my Viking and I are very happy together!

I also have a BabyLock Eclipse serger, which is wonderful. I love using it, but absolutely hate threading it, so I cheat by tying my new threads to the current ones and pulling them through. I usually use the 3-thread option for most projects.” Link.

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