Swap-O-Rama-Rama in NY

Craft & Design
Swap-O-Rama-Rama in NY

If you are in the NY area this Sunday Feb 12th, you won’t want to miss the next Swap-O-Rama-Rama, a clothing swap with DIY how-to workshops, and on site sewing stations. The five hour event is finished off with a recycled fashion show. Come with a bag of unwanted clothing and just $10. You’ll be able to take home all the clothes you can carry as well as learn how to sew, embroider, knit, and make some new outfits! Link.

What will the next generation of Make: look like? We’re inviting you to shape the future by investing in Make:. By becoming an investor, you help decide what’s next. The future of Make: is in your hands. Learn More.

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