From the the Institute for the Promotion of the Less than One Millimeter, The Micropolitan Museum! – “For several centuries artists have depicted the human figure, still-lifes, landscapes or non-figurative motives. One subject has been widely neglected all those years: Micro organisms!
The Micropolitan Museum finally exhibits these often overlooked works of art which are only visible with the aid of the microscope. Curator Wim van Egmond has collected the finest microscopic masterpieces nature has ever produced during eons of natural selection.” [via] – Link.
Merismopedia, a remarkable shaped Cyano-bacteria (blue-green algae) – from the the Bacteria Basement.
- Biomedical Image awards 2006 gallery – Link.
- MACROdream – close up photo community – Link.
- Science @ MAKE – Link.
MAKE 07:
- Backyard Biology – Hack your plants, extract your DNA, 70’s soapbox saga, build a videocam rocket, and head-mounted water cannon. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition!