The Logic Alphabet — at the Museum of Jurassic Technology

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The Institute for Figuring has another great exhibition looking at the fusion of math and craft, this time at the Museum of Jurassic Technology. From the press release:
In 1953, while working a hotel switchboard, Shea Zellweger began a journey that would culminate in a radical new notation for formal logic, the set of relations that underlies modern computing. From a garage in Ohio, Zellweger developed a visual language he dubbed the “Logic Alphabet,” in which a group of specially designed letter-shapes are maneuvered like puzzles to reveal the geometric patterns hidden beneath the symbolic web of logic.
Opening Reception: Saturday March 3, at 7pm
@ the Museum of Jurassic Technology
9341 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232
Lecture: Saturday March 3, at 5pm
Join exhibit curator Christine Wertheim and IFF director Margaret Wertheim
for a discussion about logic and a conversation with Dr. Shea Zellweger
@ Foshay Masonic Lodge
9635 Venice Blvd (2 Blocks West of the MJT)

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