T-shirt designs created with stencils and bleach

Craft & Design
T-shirt designs created with stencils and bleach

benjiwenjifoofoo writes –

All you do is go to Target or wherever there are plain colored shirts for sale. Then you get a stencil. You can cut out text printed out from your computer, or lay odd shaped objects on the shirt like a doily (as in the first picture) or an Abalone board (as in the second) then spray a 50/50 bleach/water solution on it and watch as it changes color. When it gets bright enough you throw the shirts into the wash alone with just a tiny bit of soap.

cre.ations.net – Creation: T-shirt designs created with stencils and bleach – Link.


  • Bleach spritz clothing – Link.
  • Freezer paper stencil with bleach – Link.
  • Weekend Projects: DIY T-shirt Designs – Link.
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