As we approach the holiday season, many of us are finishing up (or some of us are just starting!) handmade gifts to give to our friends and family. But when it comes to wrapping those presents, how do you make sure the outside is as unique as the inside? One technique I like is buying a roll of plain paper (or cutting up a brown paper bag) and decorating it with metallic Sharpies.
Another fun idea for a extra special gift is to order personalized wrapping paper from PicPaperie. They recently sent us a roll of personalized wrapping paper featuring our mascot, Makey the Robot. They pulled it from the MAKE Instagram account, but you can send in any photo to have it made into wrapping paper. PicPaperie has an Indiegogo campaign running right now, so if you like the idea and you’ve got some photos you’d like to turn into wrapping paper for this holiday season, you should check it out!