Turning a Quote into a Knitting Pattern

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Turning a Quote into a Knitting Pattern


Whether you’re experimenting with generating patterns for a hacked electronic knitting machine, or just interested in designing your own patterns to knit by hand, there are plenty of ways to go about turning text into knits. Luckily, machine knitter Donatella of Inspiration and Realisation put together a helpful tutorial to share the successful process she used to turn text into a knitted sweater!

I decided to make one of my favorite quotes “PARDON MY FRENCH” into a knitted sweater…because I “french” a lot, and because [real] life will take me to France more and more. (and my “real French” is rather rusty).


Although Donatella’s process looks great, there are lots of other ways to convert your words into knits, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different programs and processes until you find something that works for you!

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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